Qi Gong (chi kung) is a series of exercises that increase flexibility, qi circulation and internal strength in the body.
Each form generally has a number sections which are repeated and coodinated with the breath to awaken the internal body. Qi Gong also teaches standing meditation and various techniques to clean the body and calm the mind and emotions.
Qi Gong is taught at Soen Ren in Workshops (see dates);
Five Animals I
Five Animals II
Ba Duan Jin
Seated Ba Duan Jin (Kidney Qi Gong)
Crane Qi Gong
Introduction to Qi Gong
Qi Gong for Practitioners/Therapists
Five Animals I
Covers the Dragon, Tiger and Leopard of the Wudang Wu Xin (5 animals) Qi Gong. This workshop is open to newcomers and is mandetory for those training for their first level.
Five Animals II
Covers the full form including Snake and Crane. Open to those who have completed Five Animals I or those with prior knowledge.
Ba Duan Jin
Teaches the whole set of the most straightforward and accessible Wudang Qi Gong form. Open to all.
Qi Gong for Therapists/Practitioners
Designed for bodyworkers and those working in health this workshop will explain the general principles of both taiji and qi gong, and teach basic exercises for self practice while giving an idea of the type of clients who would benefit from training.