Wudang Taiji (tai chi) is a system that includes several different practices, one of which is traditional form work, or 'taiji quan' (tai chi chuan). A detailed description of the Wudang system can be seen here.
Taiji, Wuji and Liangyi are internal martial arts with both meditative and martial application that teach greater internal control and fluidity throughout the muscles, tendons and joints. They also train the system in the fusion and separation of yin and yang and the application and importance of intent.
Taiji classes learn the traditional Wudang Taiji 28 form and basic exercises and stance work and are open to those with or without prior experience. Please contact Rachael with any questions.
Taiji also includes exercises such as yun shou, 'cloud hands' or taiji bu, 'taiji walking', alongside the traditional forms such as Taiji 28 and 108.